Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Year New Course

or May the Hoola Hoops of Destiny follow your cornflakes to the dance at the OK Carol singing service

It's 2014 and the new improv course 'Unleash Your Inner Improv Hero!' starts in less than two weeks! After the Christmas decorations come down, the early dark nights are no longer made cheery by festive lights and the hangover from New Years finally kicks in, it's good to know that there is a bright shining knight of endorphin filled improv to look forward to.

Just looking back at some of the amazing ideas and things that happened in the last course and how it really is the best antidote to the gloom of January and February.

After the second session of Improbables last course 'Ride your Marshmellow Bicycle to work' one of the participants wrote:

'Another brilliant night last night, this course is really special and it's great to be part of it!'

Endowments is always a great session. In the last course I wrote:

'No Humans were harmed in the Endowments last night, but a giant rabid Rabbit did threaten the two (oddly creepy) unsuspecting tourists
An unobtanium a new element was described as but by it's very nature it was unobtainable and therefore in the possession of the inventor of invisible specs that appeared in disguise as normal specs.A silent Queen was taken out by the all too convincing Hugh Hephner with a pencil sharpener. I loved the the Zoo keeper who lost everything including the railings around the cages, while an unexpected understudy filled in for the striking Train driver and drove a train around the stage endlessly (or for an entire scene). And I wish that every day I could be inspired in the bath to invent an enormous chocolate boat.'

So much creativity is unleashed that an evening of improv crackles with moments of pure genius that will never be repeated. Even thinking back on it brings a smile as I look forward to new moments of magic.

Don't forget to book your place by emailing Sarah  - 
or purchasing tickets from here.

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