Wednesday, 30 August 2023

‘Improvise your joy back’ this Autumn

The last hoorays of the Summer holidays are upon us and if, like me, you suffer from a bit of S.A.D (seasonal adjustment disorder) and become a bit down at this time of year, I’ve made sure that inoculation against the Autumn blues (a colour rarely associated with Autumn but go with me on this) is assured by signing up to ‘Improvise your joy back!’ course.

8 weeks of fun.

But don’t take my word for it, listen to previous participants Diana and Richard.

‘Sarah, from the Guernsey Improbables Team, has been an absolute beacon of joy for me. Every class has been an uproariously good time as we all play improv games together, in the process letting ourselves go to let loose and laugh and ultimately find our way through harder times. My favourite lesson has been the exercise in saying YES! when we want to say NO! because we think we have control or want to hold onto a particular idea for our scenes but improv doesn't work that way...and neither does life! What a fantastic class this has been and I'm going to miss it so much when it's done. Highly recommend it!!’

-Putting the D back in Disco, Diana

‘This is the best way to spend a couple of hours in the evening. Make new friends and create your own hilarious fun and learn at the same time. No previous experience or ability necessary. Sign up now and you won't regret it.’- Richard Corbin

Book here