Saturday, 23 November 2013

Contemplating the Next Course

With all the previous participants of Improbables courses chomping at the bit for more improv, I've hatched a crafty plan.

There will be two courses running on Monday nights. From 6 -7 pm I will be running a drop in class. This for those who have done the course and want to dust the cobwebs off their improv skills and stretch their improv abilities. (And I get to play along too!)

And from 7- 9:30 the full course for beginners/newbies.

Then at the end of the 10 week course I will run a 3 night run of improv so everyone can get a chance to play in front of an audience! 

This not only means there'll be enough improv for everybody but it helps solve my issue with rehearsal venue as I can pay one fee for the evening and utilise the venue fully for the evening so it makes it more cost effective. #gettingmythinkingbrainon

I have nearly finished the poster and flyer to advertise the new course with the final details so watch this space.

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