Thursday 28 November 2013


Book Now for the next course starting in January. Email


  1. When does the course start? Monday the 13th of January 7pm
  2. How long does it last? 10 weeks
  3. How much does it cost? £50
  4. What is Improvised Theatre? Have you ever seen 'Who's line is it anyway?' or 'Fast and Loose'  You'll be learning something like this ..... 
  5. How does it work? For a breakdown of the course look in COURSES
  6. Is it just for actors? No it's for everybody. No experience necessary, we make it up! (In fact the world would be a better place if doing a course in improvisation was made compulsory, just saying)
  7. I'm not funny, is it just for comedians? Although we do have a load of fun and often the scenes end up being funny, the best improv tools are found without trying to be funny. That is where the real magic happens. So no there is no pressure to be funny.
  8. Will there be a performance at the end? Yes there is a performance at the end of the course, but if you don't want to perform no one is forced to. Some people just come along to the course to experience the incredible positivity that comes from learning improv.
Any other questions just ask. email

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