Thursday, 15 May 2014

Guernsey Literary Festival Fun

Guernsey Improbables are super excited to be part of the Guernsey Literary Festival. We're hosting the Literary Cabaret on Saturday 17th May in the Hub (Big white Bubble Tent!) in Market Square.

We'll be introducing the show and playing some games in-between the other acts that include the Ukuladeez, Slam Poetry, Book reading, Shakespeare and performance.

Especially for the Literary Festival we've been working on some themed games. We've moulded one the usual improv games we play called 'Press Conference' to 'Author's Nightmare'. Actor leaves the room, the audience then decides on a title and genre of a book. The actor returns and is an author holding a press conference. They need to guess the tittle of their book through the questions that the other actors ask them in the 'press conference'.

The Team Selfie after our last show!

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